Alright who watched the Oscars this past weekend?
I sure did.
And who caught the red carpet show?
I did. Duh :)
Lately my time devoted to various design projects has been strictly for my spring formal that is fast approaching.
That's right, I'm making my own dress :)
If it turns out like I'm planning it to, then it will be very cute. And I'll be sure to post about it when I'm finished with it. (Which will hopefully be soon!)
So In honor of both of these I've made a short compilation of different traits of various Oscar gowns and translated them to less formal (but of course still formal) dresses.

The ever so lovely Miss Anne Hathaway wore many gowns that evening. (jealous much) One common trait among them was sparkle. They were long, they were slimming, and they SPARKLED.
Same with Amy Adams. I also liked the cut of her gown. It was conservative without being too covered up. It was classy.
Here are some dresses have the length, sparkle, or cut.
And Nicole Kidman!
I don't know what exactly it was that drew me to her dress, but it is just so interesting! I think it looks better when she is walking in it though.
Anyways, with this dress I like how different it was. The various beading and the not so typical shape was very interesting to look at. So its definitely an attention getter.
Here are a couple of attention-getters...
Hopefully it helped if you were in need of some formal dress advice.
If not, it's always fun to look at pretty dresses anyways right?
Until next post,
Peace, Love, Oscar (hehee), and Fashion
*Isaiah 61:10*