THANKSGIVING IS ONLY A WEEK AWAY...Okay so technically 8 days but oh well ;)
Many students are coming home for the holidays and stores are stocking up on turkeys and candy canes (yeah I'm in a food mindset...don't judge.)
Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday, Christmas being my first of course, so in honor I will blog about what I am thankful for!
Here I go
MARCHESA! Anything and almost everything they create. I love it all!
Sunglasses! Ahhh I have way too many pairs. If there is such a thing.

Plaid Shirts. Preferably red. Preferably on Chris Pine.

Project Runway! Wish I could say I kept up with the latest season....but I didn't. Add that to my to do list for the holiday break!

All the outfits that Blaire and Chuck wear on Gossip Girl! I'm not saying I approve of some of the dumb stuff they do though...
Of course my sewing machine! (This is my actual sewing machine) I use this to create ALL my designs, repairs, and well anything that consists of fabric!

And finally! A Polaroid Camera to take pictures of all my favorite things! Now I say "a camera" because I recently remembered that my dad has one from a LONNNNGGG time ago. I'm talking about back when they were the "new thing". Yeah. Seriously. So after I'm done blogging I'm going to ask if I can have it. Wish me luck!
Peace, Love, and Fashion,
*Isaiah 61:10*