So two nights ago I decided to watch good ol' classic Pretty in Pink with my lil sis. She had never seen it before and it had been ages since I had seen it. Let me just tell you how inspiring this movie is to me (clothing and style wise) By the way I totally re-hearted Duckie! AH DUCKIE! :)
Anyways, in a day and age of vintage-is-cool again, alot of the clothes and trends in this movie are popular today! I found a few pics of what I'm talking about (thanks google!) but sadly there also weren't that many. Oh wells.
Oh Iona. The ever memorable, always with a funky 'do, prom dress giving, Iona.
I have this picture to represent the now so popular fake ray bans. I personally love them (I have 10 pairs! No joke.) and apparently people in the 80s did too!
And here are some in a very cool 80s color from Forever 21 for 5.80

And almost ALL of the guys in this film were wearing a blazer of some sort which is also in style now! Duckie totally pulled his entire look off :)
Here are a couple I found on for 42.99 and 46.99 and designed by Report Collection and Joseph Abboud, respectively)
And the girls can totally pull off the look too! ( I would know, I have my own :) ) Here a cute PINK one from Forever 21 for 24.90

Now I added this one because, I don't know about you but it was super cool that she cut two dresses apart ON HER BEDROOM FLOOR, and did you even see her use a measuring tape? I didn't. But that's how you do it! lol and eh it was a pretty cute dress in the end too.
Well that's my thought on that! Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to leave comments (I swear my page doesn't bite!) or tell me about why you like the movie, or if you are TEAM DUCKIE! ahahaha
Peace, Love, and Totally Fashion,
*Isaiah 61:10*