Quand En France

French toast, French roast, and French fries.
Nope. Not hungry. Just inspired :)

My mom recently got her Talbot's catalog in the mail (she should just own stock in that company because she shops there so much...) and it was all about fashions with a French twist. A little later I made my own beret. Like I said, inspired.

Then I saved the catalog and made an inspiration board.

Talbot's "French Twist" line.

Cute floral oxfords that go alone with my inspiration :)
(Anyone notice how many times I mention oxfords?!?...hehee)
[Forever 21~22.80]

So I don't know how long this obsession peu (little obsession) will last...

jusqu'au prochain post
(until next post)

paix, d'amour, et de la mode


*Isaiah 61:10*

Translation credits to Google Translate. So if it's wrong. I'm sorry.