My lovely lil sister agreed to pose for me (thanks :D) so I could photograph my masterpieces the way I want them to be seen. Plus I'm an amateur photo nerd who loves her camera.
Oh by the way I switched to blue font for her :) Enjoy the visuals!
So these are the first pieces in the new "collection" I'm working on. (my last one, Because I Love You By Em, is officially complete!) And I need to come up with a new name. Feel free to make suggestions!!!
:D Please&Thankyou!
Sp here is a skirt I made while I was spending time up in the mountains. I think I was inspired by some leaves. Hah any who I like the way it flips when you walk in it. The stockings are from Forever21, the boots are my Charles Alberts, some of my random made jewelry,and the top is an edited American Eagle tank
I REALLY like this top. It is super comfortable and I think the print is interesting. I actually almost didn't buy the fabric. Its paired with some Forever21 shorts, the chunky ring was a gift from a friend, and the tights are from H&M
Alright Until Next Blog!
Peace, Love, and Fashion
*Isaiah 61:10*