Okay, I've been kinda busy lately with some new designs that I'm working on (I hope to be adding more to the "My Designs" page soon so stay tuned!) and I'm sorry for the late/irregular posting. I'll try to do better in the future.
Alright, this past weekend I went to a surprise party for my friend Lauren (sorry girl :P) and I made her this pretty awesome card if I do say so myself :)
It's a collage of "L" stuff that I cut out of my many teenvogue magazines, and I scanned it so I could share it! I hope she dosn't mind...
I've added some photos below that seemed like they matched the various colors and prints in the card.
The last one was added because the collage part really did remind me of a ransom note! Get it? Thug? Ransom note? Hah! I crack myself up sometimes...(cheeeeessseball)