So without further adieu lets get this started.
Marilyn! Thanks again for doing this interview with me.
So what are your desired fields in the fashion industry?
Well I want to continue my modeling career, build my portfolio, and have plenty of photo shoots under my belt. In the future I want to start a clothing/jewelry line.
What is your inspiration?
Honestly, I get inspired by everything around me. There are numerous things in our world and universe, it would be difficult picking just one thing since it tends to change day by day.
Do you create and wear any of your designs?
Yes! I do create and wear my designs, I love it. Theres nothing like someone asking you where you got it and being able to proudly say that you made it. In fact, many people at my school knows me as the sort of girl who makes and wears bows. Its sort of like my signature.
How do you promote your designs?
Promoting wise I tend to announce it via Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr. Or I go around telling people in school going class to class since I'm a designer at West High (in Torrance) for the Behind the Seams fashion show.
Do you want to go a fashion college when you graduate?
I'm planning to go to the FIDM in LA to learn more about design and marketing, so that when I start my lines I'll know what I need to do so that my items will sell
How did you get into modeling?
Actually I just stumbled into modeling. When I was younger I had somewhat of a low self esteem, so that when people would tell me that I was pretty I thought they were just being polite. One of my best friends Jasmine Barnes' father is a photographer. We wanted to make a band poster and we had the idea of having a photo shoot that I can recall planning and getting ready for. Once I got in front of the lens, it was like something happened inside of me and I instantly knew that this is what I wanted to do. After seeing the photos and being told that I did a good job and that I had potential was in essence what started me in this career path.
What are some of the projects that you have been involved in?
I have modeled for Audrey Kitching for Lipstick Prophets , Teen Idol Senior Photography, and Christopher Barnes. I've also been in two music videos for Hey Monday and Stereo Skyline.
Do you have a favorite model?
My favorite model would be Audrey Kitching, but I also look up to Ali Barone, Hana Beth, and Agnes Deyn.
And do you have any advice for other aspiring designers or models?
My advice would be to follow your dreams and believe in yourself.
Favorite article of clothing?
Right now my favorite piece is my Lipstick Prophet shirt. I either wear it with leggings and boots, or tucked into shorts with a red belt. I love clothes were you can change the style and have options on what to pair it with.
Favorite accessory?
I just LOVE rings! I feel like they are a must have. Especially big rings, love those. Also bows. I feel like it adds that spark to my wardrobe and its a piece of my personality and style.
Favorite color?
Yellow. Its been yellow since I was 3 years old. Its also the color of Belle's( from Beauty and Beast) dress and that's my favorite movie.
Guilty pleasures?
Recess Pieces. I'm also addicted to Digimon and Beauty and the Beast.I watch that movie at least 3 times a day!
And that's the interview!
I hope you enjoyed :) Thanks again to Marilyn! Oh, and here is some visual stimulation...because I can ;)(Marilyn three people from the right)
(photo credits to, google, and Marilyn Ventura)
Also if you would like to learn more about Marilyn Ventura and her various projects you can check her out here ^^
Until next blog,
Peace, Love, and Fashion!!!
*Isaiah 61:10