Cheap dresses do not mean that they will be of poor quality. You can even get designer pieces for cheap if you shop at the right time. When new stocks come in shop, they clear their old stock and most big stores have their items coming in every week or every fortnight. They will have to clear the remaining items at any cost and sometimes they offer even huge discounts on their dresses.
You obviously don't like to wear the same dress on two different occasions. Most women want to look unique and different in each special evening occasion they attend. Most of these women like to stay in budget and do their shopping so for each different event they are able to afford a new dress. Sometimes, when you get to some online store, you will see that they have items in bulk and also wholesale dresses. These dresses will come much cheaper than those you will buy individually. This is another way you can be unique at different occasions and get the best for your budget.
( Articles By Riaz J )