Yay! Today I got my first award from My Spare Thoughts (a simply lovely blog) so here are 10 random things about me....
1. My dentist says I have big teeth - the roots are longer than most peoples and I have twice the nerve cavities of a normal person.
2. My mum and my aunty are my role models and I feel really lucky to have these two amazing women in my life
3. Chocolate is my downfall - Its not uncommon to eat a family size bag of maltesers in under 15 minutes
4. I am guaranteed to cry when I watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition and I am guaranteed to clap my hands with glee when America's Next Top Model or the Rachel Zoe project come on
5. I met the Big A (my now finance) at a school friends 21st party in Surry Hills. I was wearing a black dress with a pink scarf and he had a cast on from breaking his arm jumping out of a window.
6. My favourite drink is a G&T but don't get me near any brown spirits. I can't even smell them because they remind me of feeling horribly sick and throwing up from my teenage years!
7. I think travel is a big part of life's adventures and living in other countries rates high on the agenda for the Big A and I. Next stop America hopefully
8. Most people say I'm one of the happiest people they know. And its probably true most of the time. I like to see the positive side in life and I reckon a smile can go along way
9. To fall asleep at night I work out what I am going to wear the next day or I imagine how I would redecorate my house.
10. I've been learning to knit but I don't think I have the patience to stick at it.
And now to pass the award on! I think you are awesome....
Chek Designs
Bash Eco Events
A Summer Picnic Wedding
Ada & Darcy
Chichi & Luxe