Me:Hey Megan, So your a exchange student in Espania? Can you tell me a little bit about the style there?
Megan: Sure! Style here:
*normal jeans or big and puffy around the thighs and then tapers at ankle.
*HUGE belt that's black and has big checkers on it (red and black, colorful, white and black).
*converse shoes (make sure they're 3 sizes too big, with high socks NEVER WEAR SHORTS (under no circumstance)
*I don't know why,wear a zip up sweater that has a design on it and has a furry hood.
**important: wear a scarf, doesn't matter if your a boy or girl, you wear a scarf (usually palistina, which is checkered and black and white) or normal scarf. Just make sure you wear one.
Emiluu: So is the Style hard for you?
Megan: Its not hard with the style because i just kept my American style, more or less.
Emiluu: So, Being American, what is the different style like for you?
Megan: Its different in that I don't like to stand out in style, where here it kinda seems like everyone is trying to stand out.
Emiluu:Great! Thanks for the interview!
Megan:No problem. Hope it helps :)
And Here Are Some Pics That Megan Sent Me For The Blog Interview! :D
Here is an example of the "Palistina Scarf" that Megan mentioned:

The "Palistina Scarf" and "wide and tapered pants":

More pants:

The "checkered belt"and converse :

Different zip up hoodies and sweaters:

Thanks to my personal (and only friend in a different country...) Friend Megan Christensen for the interview and legit pictures. Thanks a Million!!!!! :D
Until next time.
Peace, Love, and Fashion,
* Isaiah 61:10 *